All The Beautiful Seeds

How To Germinate Your Cannabis Seeds

PLEASE follow these 3 simple steps for best results: 

  1. Empty your cannabis seed from the capsule you received in a cup of purified room temperature water. Don’t worry if it sinks or floats.
  2. Place container in a dark warm place (like a kitchen cabinet) for 24-48 hours, but no longer! You do NOT want a long and very delicate tap root to be growing at this stage-
  3. After the 24-48 hours- gently scoop out the seed with a spoon and place/cover in 1/2” deep in good potting soil or preferably in a soaked Jiffy pellet/peat pellet (buy Jiffy pellets from Amazon or local hardware/garden store).

* Keep the soil/pellet moist (not soaked) and warm under your grow lights

* Seedling should sprout within 3-10 days depending on strain

* After the little seedling has grown to around 3″ tall- transfer him to his new home and enjoy the ride!*

Any questions contact us here!

Side Note: Some suggest germinating cannabis seeds using a wet paper towel on a plate/tweezer method. We find that this method is not the best for cannabis seeds because paper towels dry out quickly and getting the germinating seeds out of the paper towel can be clumsy damaging the seedling. Using tweezers can be dangerous as soaked seeds are much more fragile. We like to play it safe and germinate cannabis seeds using purified water and jiffy pellets which are specifically designed to easily germinate seeds.